Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Police Officers Under Attack

For far too long police officers have been either taken for granted or viewed in a negative light. In some communities it is not uncommon for even young children to hold disdain and contempt for the men and women who vow to protect them at all costs. I’ve heard and seen children calling officer’s names or pointing their fingers at them as if they were guns. Even the Ohio Governor John Kasich has verbally disparaged law enforcement officers.

Well they are under attack again and this time it’s not with toy guns, fingers or tongue lashings. This time it is with actual guns with real bullets. Since January at least three have been killed in the line of duty. The most recent was a Georgia police officer trying to stop a carjacking. Another was serving an arrest warrant. The third was a Sandusky officer also on duty.

It’s important to remember these aren’t nameless, faceless robots just here for us to use when it’s convenient. They are men and women with hopes and dreams like the rest of us. They get up and put on the uniform to protect the public and to provide for their families. They have parents, siblings and friends. In many cases they are family men. The Sandusky officer left behind two young children and a wife. He’ll never get to see those children grow up and they’ll never get to know their father.

Public view is often formed by the few cases of officer misconduct, or a run in with the law. If we get stopped by the police, it must be the officer’s fault, despite the fact the speedometer read 10 or more mph over the posted speed limit. Despite the fact alcohol is involved. In the case of children, these attitudes are learned from parents and other adults.

It’s time we as the public stop blaming the police if we get a speeding ticket or a DUI. There are those who need to recognize they can’t just break the law and get away with it. Don’t commit crime if you aren’t willing to go to jail. If you get caught, then man up (or woman up) and accept your punishment. If you hear of officer’s killed in the line of duty, support their families. It’s called personal and social responsibility. Families of hard working police officer’s shouldn’t have to pay for the selfishness of others.

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